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CHC as a mission centered church believes that we are called to train,equip support and send out to the nations Spirit-filled Missionaries with the mandate to transform the people of the world as required by Acts 2:42-47.  CHC's mission

efforts are indeed "The Work of God in his Kingdom with and for his People" The great Commission commands us to

"Go ye therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you", in Matthew 28:19-20.








Kid's Ministry
Marriage Preparation & Hookup!

Donations to Purchase School Supplies and Bibles for                               Children Ghana Trip

         Donations to Drill Clean Water Boreholes


      Donation of Used Cars & Light Pickup Trucks 


       Donations to Purchase Subscriptions for Super

                      Book DVD's for Children


       Donations for Medicine and Medical Supplies

                         - Medical Mission Trips-


             Donations to Build & Equip Fish Farm                                            Ghana Other Country


             Donations to Purchase Solar Panels for

                                 off grid projects


                Donations to Build, Equip, Establish

                                Medical Clinics


                   Donation to Build, Equip,Stock

                                 Goat Farms

                   Donations Build,Equip,Purchase Computer                             to Establish Labs to Teach Coding


                ( Medical Mission Trip Below to Abiriba)

Women's Ministry
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Bishop prays and lays hand on a man           during the high spirited alter call.

  Pastor with two of his church Deacons.

Missionary Bishop greeting fellow Bishop

just before beginning the Evangelism                                Conference!

DID YOU KNOW one of the most important

things in our personal relationship with God is to be Generous with what we steward for Jesus as he modeled a life of  LOVE with all that was in him. 


  west indies

Pastors Special School Building and Computer Tech Project

This Special School Building and Computer Tech Project involves building new or renovating existing schools plus creating computer education programs and computer labs in villages in African,Asian and South America countries where there are no current computer programs.

 mbano, Imo State

We are CHC Crisis Team who help people in crisis with food,financial aid and other special services. Through God's grace and support from churches,volunteers individual donors and corporate donors, Our ministry has the need to expand our services to our immigrant population in 2017 and 2018, our intent and aim is to help them to get settled with immigration status,jobs and

housing, So please increase your donations for these years and DONATE liberally using the button below.

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1.Be self critical-do you have a construction game plan


2.Make certain a university education is worth it. Source substantial

   ways to lower student costs and increase the return on investment.   


3.Bridge the divide with new communication methods and fresh


4.Find innovation and new collaborators and partnerships.


5. Make certain the University you enroll is the best to challenge storms.



Blind and Disabled


The first photo below is of Blind a man being taught Brail, the second photo is of  a Deaf woman demonstrating her ability in sewing.

Women organizing programs and events to teach younger

women how to meet the challenges of women today.

 Did You Know:Children who are not provided life's basics essentials often suffer from lower self-esteem which can fuel behavioral and emotional problems. CHC provide spiritual and practical assistance to prevent these outcomes providing children with the basics they need to reach their God-given purpose.


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