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How you can  help children is  by donating

to our mission building fund

and clean water well drilling project.

Every Human Being Deserves To Drink Clean Water,Every Day.

Give Generously!  Make it happen right now for the children in Ghana and Jamacia

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Since 1994, CHC Ministries & Missions Inc., has stood by the side and come to the assistance of hundreds of men,women

and children who are without clean water, hungry,sick,homeless,jobless and disabled or challenged.,in the USA,Jamacia, Ghana, Haiti, Nigeria and other West African Countries.Our mission is the same today. We need your immediate donations to fund  programs and projects aimed at preventing,treating,curring and providing medical and other solutions to many problems of the poor,disabled and destitute in the USA and around the world..   Other needs are the establishment of new clinics in the many villages of each country,purchase and shipment of medicine,medical supplies clean water wells must be drilled,and delivery vehicles purchased along with other administrative and management expenses.


Especially in West Africa and North Africa, regional and within country wars has increased the patient load and greatly expanded the medicine and medical supply needs.  Mass immigration has also increased our organizations needs five

fold.  We have partner witrh other in country NGO's help low or alleviate many local cost and expenses.


In many South American Countries, the youth especially fleeing drug game violence and poverty of their region.


Please make your Donation count, Give liberally. 

CHC's wish list includes the following: 1. Modern Warehouse Building divided into Sanctuary,Offices ,Flex-Rooms                                                                                   & Storage & Loading Areas with necessary Equipment & Furnishings

                                                              2. Church Van and Other Transportation Vehicles

                                                              3. Laptop & Desktop Computers for Computer Centers

                                                              4. Miscellaneous....with details coming soon




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